Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Thriving in Today’s Real Estate Leadership

Generic Category: Sense Making (2 CPD credits awarded, subject to KEO’s approval)

Course Duration: 3 hours

Funding available: Nil


Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop self-awareness and self-regulation abilities for emotional intelligence.
  2. Understand how emotional intelligence affects team dynamics and client relationships.
  3. Implement ways to develop empathy, social skills, and leadership effectiveness.


The emotional intelligence (EI) course in real estate leadership gives participants a deeper understanding of how EI affects leadership effectiveness in the real estate industry. The course focuses on the five components of EI, including self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, and how they apply in real estate contexts.
By participating in interactive activities, participants will assess their own EI and gain insights into practical strategies that they can use to enhance their leadership capabilities. The course is engaging, informative, and empowering, providing participants with the knowledge and skills they need to become more effective leaders in the real estate industry.


Developing emotional intelligence is crucial for leaders who work in high-stakes interpersonal fields. This course supports leaders in enhancing their EI skills, essential for building strong teams and maintaining positive client relationships. By improving their emotional intelligence, leaders can better understand and manage their emotions and those of others, leading to more effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making. Through interactive learning activities and practical exercises, this course provides leaders with the tools and techniques to develop their emotional intelligence and succeed in their roles.



  1. Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EI).
    • Emotional Intelligence – Definition and Components.
    • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Real Estate Leadership.
  2. Developing Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence.
    • Personal EI Assessment Tools.
    • Self-Awareness Enhancement Techniques.
    • Strategies for Self-Regulation that Work.
  3. The Importance of Empathy and Social Skills in Today’s Leadership.
    • Role-playing Exercises to Improve Empathy.
    • Case Studies: Emotional Intelligence in Client Interactions and Team Management.
    • Increasing Persuasive and Influential Communication Skills.
  4. Adapting to the New Normal: Incorporating Emotional Intelligence Strategies in Real Estate Business.
    • Effective communication and collaboration.
    • Action Planning for Personal Emotional Intelligence Development.
    • Commitment to Continual EI Growth.

Learning Methodologies

  • Interactive Lectures for foundational knowledge.
  • Self-Assessment Tools to understand personal EI levels.
  • Role-Playing Scenarios to practice empathy and social skills.
  • Group Discussions and Reflection Sessions for collaborative learning and real-world application.


Dr Moses Lim
PhD – Psychology

Dr. Moses Lim is an entrepreneur and international facilitator who provides consultation, business development, and training to various organizations. He has conducted leadership programs for business, civil, education, and church leaders across the globe. With his expertise in psychometric tools, Dr. Lim is a certified executive coach who has worked with several corporations and an international organization to develop in-house mentoring coaching programs. He is also a teaching consultant with the National Institute of Education International, Nanyang Technological University. Dr. Lim’s Management Adventure Program© (MAP) empowers managers and business leaders to achieve peak leadership performance.