How to Effectively Manage Conflict

Generic Category: Developing People (2 CPD credits awarded, subject to KEO’s approval)

Course Duration: 3 hours

Funding available: Nil


Learning Outcomes

  • Understand what conflict is and how it adversely affects the productivity of the entire team/organisation.
  • Learn techniques to help manage and eradicate conflict in the workplace.
  • Learn how to prevent potential conflicts, as a leader and as a worker.
  • Pick up new skills such as active listening and assertiveness, which help develop leadership.



Every human relationship will encounter conflict. Behaviourists suggest the common reactions to conflict are fight, flight or freeze. Yet, there is one step even before making this decision – can you identify a conflict or even potential conflict before it happens? Learning to identify potential conflicts is one huge step toward early or quick resolution. This workshop discusses 8 steps needed to handle conflict in the workplace. Participants will also pick up essential skills such as active listening, accountability, control, and assertiveness, among others, as tools for becoming better at managing conflict in the workplace. On the positive side, conflict management can spark innovations because involved parties get to speak their minds in solving a problem.

When conflicts at work are not quickly and amicably resolved, the workplace can become a tense and stressful environment where people don’t feel respected or even safe. This will have adverse effect on the business unit’s productivity and motivation. Happy teams are 23% more profitable than miserable ones.



Workplace conflict occurs when there’s disagreement among employees due to opposing interests, personalities, beliefs, or ideas. When conflict is not resolved, it can cause serious problems to workplace morale, productivity, and company culture. Conflict management is essential because it helps to create a positive work environment, improve communication, and boost productivity. However, when conflicts are managed properly, they can become opportunities for problem-solving and innovation. Learning the various methods to manage conflict will ensure a more conducive and productive workplace.



  1. What is conflict?
  2. Fight, Flight, Freeze
  3. Resolving conflict with someone
  4. Mediating conflict between other people
  5. The 8 steps of handling conflict
    • Talk to the person
    • Focus on behaviour and events
    • Listen carefully
    • Identify points of agreement and disagreement
    • Prioritise areas of conflict
    • Develop a plan of work
    • Follow through on your plan
    • Build on your success
  6. The dangers of not resolving conflict in the workplace
  7. The benefits that managed conflict can bring about


Learning Methodologies

  • Interactive lectures for foundational knowledge.
  • Group discussions and case studies.
  • Role play to practise skills in class.


About the Trainer

Mr Joseph Wong
Joseph spent 36 years at Standard Chartered Bank managing traditional and innovative banking spanning Retail, Wholesale, Commercial banking, Marketing, Business Re-engineering, ISO9001 accreditation, Process Management, Sales Management, Communication, Micro-learning globally. He left the Bank in 2015 to start his own consultancy business (Delapro) focusing on Communication and Leadership. Joseph is also one of only a handful of Phonetics coaches in Singapore. His signature programmes Reverse-Engineer Phonetics (speaking well in one day) and The Three Monsters that Destroy Your Career (how to go into your first job like a leader) are trademarks of his ingenuity, creativity and leadership. He co-developed a sales app called Delapitch and launched it at the Singapore Business Show in September 2022, under a selling philosophy FOSTER Method that he developed himself. He is both ACTA and TESOL certified.

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