UTAP Funding

About __ Funding

— (—-) is a training benefit for — members to defray their cost of training. This benefit is to encourage members to go for skills upgrading

Sign up now to be a part of SISEU (Singapore Industrial & Services Employees’ Union) real estate chapter! You get to enjoy —-funding and the full suite of SISEU & — membership benefits! Application form is available at our office now! Feel free to drop by and approach our friendly staff for more info!

UTAP Funding

How much is the UTAP Grant

As a N— member, you will enjoy 50% unfunded course fee support, capped at $0 each year when you sign up for courses supported under –. This excludes miscellaneous fees such as GST and registration fee etc.


  • You are required to pay the FULL course fees upfront. The — amount will only be reimbursed upon completion of the activity/course after you have submitted the course details through the — website.
  • You are required to be a member throughout whole activity/course duration and at the point of claim
  • Course must not be funded through company sponsorship or other types of funding
  • Unfunded course fee must be $20 and above


Registered Real Estate Salesperson taking a half day CPD Core activity (approved for — funding) conducted by SEAA:

Core CPD Activity Ordinary & Associate Member Non-Member

UTAP Funding

How to claim UTAP?

Sign up for the SISEU membership online HERE (if you are not a —-  member) prior to or on the day of your course.
*Hardcopy application form is available at our office and processing time takes about 4-6 weeks (upon application’s approval).

Claim the — funding ONLY upon 1st day of the course, no later than 6 months from your activity / course start date via the website HERE. Late applications will be rejected.

Where can I find out more information about —-?
You can read the —- FAQs, Terms & Conditions and Step-by-Step Application Guide via the —-‘s website HERE or call them at — for more details.