Storytelling for High Performers

Generic Category: Developing People (2 CPD credits awarded, subject to KEO’s approval)

Course Duration: 3 hours

Funding available: Nil


Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand what corporate storytelling is and why it is crucial today.
  2. Learn how to engage every audience/reader/listener with storytelling.
  3. Learn how to use storytelling techniques in different settings, eg. presentation, data analysis and relationship building.
  4. Learn how to use stories to increase the effectiveness of communication every time.



Storytelling increases the impact of communication. Any presenter who does not use storytelling in today’s context, is immediately less successful. Storytelling was predominantly used only by leaders but in recent years, almost every savvy presenter is using storytelling to great effect.


To begin with, we humans are hard-wired for stories and narrative. We connect a lot better and more readily when there’s a story to follow. Effective stories can transform complex data into digestible information, make messages that stick, build trust with your audience and create relatability. With all this evidence, there is no reason anyone would not want to learn how to use storytelling to connect with any warm body. This tremendous appeal of stories applies to selling a product and explaining data too. The two key factors why every organisation should promote storytelling as a personal habit are: –

  • Stories make everything relatable to the audience.
  • Stories help audiences see the thought process behind your business and this builds trust.



Storytelling is becoming the only way to deliver presentations and speeches. The human brain is hardwired for stories. By incorporating storytelling in the workplace, organizations can improve employee engagement,  productivity, and overall success. Strategic storytelling is the art of using narrative to convey complex information in a way that engages and resonates with the audience. It involves identifying and crafting a compelling story communicating an organization’s mission, values, and impact. Just about all leaders today use storytelling in their speeches. In fact, any presenter today who does not use storytelling is regarded as old school and not progressive.



  • What is storytelling?
  • Telling stories helps with the following goals:
  • More memorable.
  • Make us think.
  • Influence decisions.
  • Change minds.
  • Inspire action.
  • Convey meaning, purpose, value.
  • Find commonality with audience.
  • Humanise content.
  • How to tell stories in different ways.
  • Learn from the most well-used types of storytelling.
  • Using the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People to embellish storytelling.
  • Making the audience invest their emotion.
  • Not giving audience the answer; make them come up with the answer.
  • Features and benefits.
  • The importance of humour.


Learning Methodologies

  • Interactive lecture for foundational knowledge.
  • Aspirational videos of great storytelling methods.
  • Case studies and exercises.
  • Group discussions.
  • Learners get to present using methods learnt.


About the Trainer

Mr Joseph Wong
Joseph spent 36 years at Standard Chartered Bank managing traditional and innovative banking spanning Retail, Wholesale, Commercial banking, Marketing, Business Re-engineering, ISO9001 accreditation, Process Management, Sales Management, Communication, Micro-learning globally. He left the Bank in 2015 to start his own consultancy business (Delapro) focusing on Communication and Leadership. Joseph is also one of only a handful of Phonetics coaches in Singapore. His signature programmes Reverse-Engineer Phonetics (speaking well in one day) and The Three Monsters that Destroy Your Career (how to go into your first job like a leader) are trademarks of his ingenuity, creativity and leadership. He co-developed a sales app called Delapitch and launched it at the Singapore Business Show in September 2022, under a selling philosophy FOSTER Method that he developed himself. He is both ACTA and TESOL certified.

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